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6 Myths About Root Canals Debunked by Doctor Dental, the Best Dentist in Mira Road

best dentist in Mira Road
September 19, 2024 Dr.Shraddha Goyal No Comments

6 Myths About Root Canals Debunked by Doctor Dental, the Best Dentist in Mira Road


Are you worried about getting a root canal? You’re not alone. Many people hear the term “root canal” and immediately think of pain, long procedures, and high costs. These common misconceptions can make patients avoid the treatment they actually need, often leading to even worse dental issues down the road. But what if we told you that root canals aren’t as scary as they sound?

At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we’ve seen firsthand how these myths prevent patients from seeking the care they need. Our goal is to clear up those misunderstandings and help you make confident, informed decisions about your oral health. Whether it’s concerns about discomfort, the procedure’s impact on your overall health, or the time involved, we’re here to set the record straight.

In this blog, we’ll explore the six most common myths about root canals and debunk them with facts. By the end, you’ll learn why a root canal is often the best solution to save a tooth and why it doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience. Let’s dive in and put your fears to rest!

Myth 1: Root canals are extremely painful

Hack: Modern Technology Makes Root Canal Virtually Painless

It’s a common belief that root canals are painful, but modern dental advances have changed that completely. At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we use advanced tools and anesthetics to ensure that the procedure is comfortable for you. Here’s how we make root canals virtually pain-free:

  • Local Anesthesia Numbs the Area:
    Before starting, we apply a strong local anesthetic to completely numb the area around the affected tooth. This ensures that you won’t feel pain during the procedure, only a bit of pressure at most.
  • Modern Tools for Precision:
    Using advanced dental tools, we can work precisely on your tooth without causing irritation to the surrounding tissue. This not only shortens the time spent in the dentist’s chair but also makes the experience smoother.
  • Regular Comfort Checks:
    Throughout the procedure, our team at Doctor Dental checks in with you to make sure you’re feeling comfortable. If needed, we can pause or make adjustments to keep you at ease.

Why Root Canals Aren’t Painful Anymore

Let’s clear up the misconception. Root canals were considered painful in the past, but thanks to modern dental advancements, that’s no longer true. Here’s why:

  • Better Numbing Agents:
    Dental anesthesia has improved significantly over the years, allowing us to numb your tooth quickly and effectively. You won’t feel any sharp pain, just mild sensations of pressure.
  • Faster Techniques:
    With today’s improved techniques and technology, the procedure is much quicker than it used to be. Less time in the chair means less discomfort overall.
  • Gentler Tools:
    The tools we use today are designed to be more precise and less invasive, which minimizes any discomfort during and after the procedure.

Day-to-Day Benefits

Understanding that root canals are not painful anymore can greatly improve your experience. Here’s why:

  • Less stress and anxiety:
    You won’t need to dread your appointment. Knowing the procedure will be painless helps you stay calm and confident about your treatment.
  • No Delays in Treatment:
    When you know a root canal won’t hurt, you’re less likely to put off the procedure. This means you can treat the issue sooner, preventing further damage or complications.
  • Immediate Pain Relief:
    If you’re suffering from tooth pain due to infection, a root canal can provide relief quickly. Once the infection is cleared and the tooth is treated, the pain goes away, allowing you to get back to your daily life without discomfort.

In short, getting a root canal at Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, means you can forget the old myths about pain and focus on restoring your dental health in a comfortable, stress-free environment.

best dentist in Mira Road

Myth 2: It’s Better to Pull the Tooth Than Get a Root Canal

Hack: Save Time and Money by Keeping Your Natural Tooth

Many people think it’s easier and cheaper to just pull an infected tooth rather than going through a root canal. While pulling the tooth might seem like a quick fix, it actually leads to more complications down the road. At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we recommend saving your natural tooth through a root canal, as it’s the more cost-effective and healthier choice in the long run.

Here’s why:

  • Extraction Leads to More Treatments:
    After pulling a tooth, you’ll likely need a replacement, such as a dental implant or bridge, to fill the gap. These treatments are more expensive and require more visits to the dentist.
  • Root Canal Saves Your Natural Tooth:
    A root canal removes the infection and saves your natural tooth. This allows you to keep the structure of your tooth and avoid needing additional procedures.

Why Keeping Your Natural Tooth Is the Better Option

  • Chewing and Speaking:
    When you keep your natural tooth, it maintains your ability to chew and speak properly. Missing teeth can make it difficult to eat certain foods and affect your speech.
  • Avoid Jawbone Issues:
    When a tooth is pulled, the jawbone in that area begins to shrink over time, which can affect the structure of your face. Keeping your natural tooth helps maintain bone health.

Day-to-Day Benefits of Choosing a Root Canal

Opting for a root canal offers practical benefits that make your life easier:

  • Saves You Time:
    A root canal is a one-time procedure that fixes the problem. Pulling a tooth requires follow-up treatments like implants or bridges, which take more time.
  • Cost-Effective:
    While a tooth extraction might seem cheaper upfront, the cost of replacing the tooth adds up. A root canal saves you money by preserving your natural tooth and avoiding expensive replacements.
  • More Comfortable:
    You won’t have to deal with the discomfort of missing a tooth or the hassle of adjusting to a dental implant or bridge. Keeping your natural tooth is the most comfortable option for long-term dental health.

At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we believe in preserving your natural teeth whenever possible. A root canal not only saves you time and money but also keeps your smile intact for years to come.

Myth 3: Root Canals Cause Illness

Hack: Modern Science Proves Root Canals Are Safe and Effective

Some people worry that getting a root canal can cause illness or other health issues. This fear is based on outdated research from decades ago. Fortunately, modern dental science has completely debunked this myth.

At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we follow strict safety and sterilization protocols to ensure that every root canal procedure is safe, effective, and poses no risk to your overall health.

Why This Myth Is False

  • Outdated Research:
    The idea that root canals can cause illness comes from research that’s long been proven incorrect. Modern dentistry has advanced significantly since then, and today’s procedures are far safer.
  • Sterilization Protocols:
    At Doctor Dental, we use state-of-the-art sterilization techniques to eliminate any risk of infection during the procedure. This ensures that your root canal treatment is completely safe.
  • No Link to Systemic Illness:
    There’s no scientific evidence that links root canals to other health problems. Studies show that root canals are just as safe as other routine dental treatments.

Day-to-Day Benefits of Understanding Root Canals Are Safe

Knowing that root canals are safe can help you approach your treatment with confidence. Here’s how this understanding benefits you:

  • Less Worry:
    You can relax and focus on your overall health without unnecessary anxiety about the procedure.
  • No Need for Extra Opinions:
    You can trust that a root canal is a safe option, saving you the time and effort of seeking alternative treatments or second opinions.
  • Move Forward with Confidence:
    Once you’re confident that root canals don’t cause illness, you can proceed with the treatment and prevent further dental issues.

By choosing Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, you can rest assured that your root canal procedure is in expert hands and will help restore your oral health safely and effectively.

Myth 4: Root Canals Take Multiple Visits

Hack: Modern Techniques Allow Most Root Canals to Be Completed in a Single Visit

A common misconception is that root canals require several long appointments. In the past, this might have been true, but modern dental advancements have significantly changed how quickly and efficiently root canals can be done. At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we use cutting-edge tools and techniques that allow most root canals to be completed in just one visit.

Why One Visit Is Now Possible

  • Advanced Technology:
    Today’s dental technology is far more efficient, enabling us to diagnose, clean, and fill the tooth in a single sitting. This minimizes the need for follow-up appointments.
  • Experienced Team:
    With over 30 years of combined experience, Doctor Dental has perfected the process, ensuring that most treatments can be completed in one streamlined visit.
  • Precise Techniques:
    Modern root canal procedures use high-precision instruments, allowing the dentist to clean and seal the tooth more quickly and effectively.

Day-to-Day Benefits of Single-Visit Root Canals

Choosing a single-visit root canal offers several practical benefits:

  • Save Time:
    Fewer appointments mean less time taken away from work, school, or personal activities. You can get back to your routine much faster.
  • Minimal Disruption:
    No need to block multiple days for dental visits. One visit allows you to focus on your life without having to juggle multiple appointments.
  • Less Stress:
    Knowing that the procedure can be completed in one sitting can ease the stress of planning and reduce anxiety about long dental treatments.

By opting for a root canal at Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, you can enjoy the convenience of fewer appointments and more time to focus on the things that matter most in your life.

best dentist in Mira Road

Myth 5: A Root Canal Weakens the Tooth

Hack: A Crown Strengthens and Protects the Tooth After a Root Canal

One of the common myths is that a tooth becomes weak after a root canal. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we make sure that once your root canal is complete, the tooth is fully restored with a crown, which strengthens it and protects it from any future damage.

Why a Crown Is Essential After a Root Canal

  • Restoring Strength:
    After a root canal, the tooth may become slightly brittle since the infection and nerve are removed. To fix this, we place a crown over the tooth, which acts like a protective shell, restoring its full strength and functionality.
  • Protection from Future Damage:
    The crown not only makes the tooth strong but also prevents it from being exposed to bacteria or additional wear and tear. This means your tooth is protected from further complications.
  • Aesthetically Pleasing:
    At Doctor Dental, we ensure the crown looks just like your natural tooth. No one will be able to tell the difference!

Day-to-Day Benefits of a Crown After a Root Canal

  • Return to a Normal Diet:
    Once your crown is placed, you can return to eating all the foods you love without worrying about breaking or damaging the tooth. Whether it’s crunchy snacks or chewy foods, your tooth will be strong enough to handle it.
  • No more dental anxiety:
    Knowing your tooth is fully restored and protected gives you peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about avoiding certain activities or foods, letting you enjoy life as usual.
  • Long-Lasting Solution:
    A crown is a durable, long-term solution that keeps your tooth safe for years to come. You’ll get the confidence of having a strong, healthy tooth without any further concerns.

At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we ensure your tooth isn’t just saved but fully restored to its natural strength and function, helping you get back to your daily life with confidence and ease.

Myth 6: Root Canals Are Only Necessary When You Have Severe Pain

Hack: Early Treatment Prevents Tooth Loss and Complicated Procedures

There’s a common belief that root canals are only necessary when the pain becomes unbearable. However, this is far from the truth. Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, strongly advises treating an infected tooth at the first sign of infection, even if you’re not feeling severe pain yet. Catching and treating the problem early can prevent the infection from worsening and save you from losing the tooth entirely.

Why you shouldn’t wait for severe pain

  • Infections Start Small:
    Tooth infections often begin with mild symptoms like sensitivity to hot or cold or a slight discomfort. If left untreated, the infection spreads, leading to severe pain, swelling, or even abscess formation.
  • Prevent Tooth Loss:
    Waiting until the pain is unbearable often means the infection has progressed to the point where saving the tooth becomes difficult. Early treatment ensures the tooth can be preserved with a root canal rather than needing an extraction.
  • Avoid More Complex Procedures:
    The sooner you address an infection, the easier the procedure will be. Waiting can lead to more complicated treatments, such as tooth removal and replacements like implants or bridges, which are time-consuming and costly.

Day-to-Day Benefits of Early Root Canal Treatment

  • Less Pain:
    Treating an infection early means you won’t have to deal with severe pain later. Root canals can relieve discomfort before it escalates.
  • Avoid Emergencies:
    Dental emergencies can disrupt your life, forcing you to deal with pain and urgent procedures. By addressing the problem early, you avoid these last-minute disruptions.
  • Keep Your Tooth:
    Early treatment helps save your natural tooth, allowing you to maintain your normal chewing and speaking abilities without worrying about the discomfort of missing teeth.

At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we emphasize the importance of addressing dental issues early. Taking action at the first sign of infection can prevent serious complications, helping you avoid future pain and keep your smile healthy for years to come.


If you’ve been putting off a root canal because of fear or misconceptions, it’s important to know the truth: root canals aren’t the painful, complicated procedures many believe them to be. With advancements in dental care, a root canal can now be a simple and comfortable way to save your tooth and avoid more serious dental issues down the road.

At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we understand the anxiety that can come with dental treatments. That’s why our team uses the latest technology and gentle techniques to ensure your experience is as smooth and pain-free as possible. Whether it’s eliminating the discomfort of infection or restoring your tooth to its natural strength, we’re here to make sure you get the care you need without stress.

Don’t let myths or fear hold you back from taking care of your dental health. If you’re experiencing any signs of infection, or just want to learn more, now’s the time to take action. Reach out to Doctor Dental for a consultation, and let us help you keep your smile healthy and pain-free.


  1. Will a root canal hurt?
    Thanks to modern technology and effective anesthesia, root canals today are virtually painless. You may feel slight pressure during the procedure, but there shouldn’t be any significant pain. At Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, we prioritize your comfort and make sure the entire experience is as pain-free as possible.


  1.  How long does a root canal procedure take?
    Most root canals can be completed in one visit, typically lasting between 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case. At Doctor Dental, we use advanced techniques to streamline the process and get you back to your daily routine quickly.


  1.  Is a crown necessary after a root canal?
    In most cases, yes. After the root canal, the tooth can become brittle, so placing a crown helps restore its strength and functionality, preventing future damage. Doctor Dental ensures that your tooth is fully protected and restored to its natural form.


  1.  How do I know if I need a root canal?
    Common signs include persistent tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling around the tooth, or discoloration. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s best to consult with Doctor Dental, the best dentist in Mira Road, for an evaluation.


5. How long do the results of a root canal last?
With proper care, a tooth that has undergone a root canal can last a lifetime. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups will help ensure the longevity of your restored tooth.

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